Plan a perfect first date

Dating someone for the first time can be stressful. The first date is the most important. Making a good first impression matters. When beginning to plan a perfect first date, choosing the right activities for a first date can be a challenge. It can make or break your chances at future dates. When planning your first date, you should always think about what kind of activities your company would like.

Every person has a slightly different personality and may prefer different activities based on their unique identity. When selecting activities for your first date, it’s essential to determine your date’s personality type and plan your activities accordingly.

So, how to plan a perfect first date?

There are lots of websites that have great ideas for first dates. Like this great article,” First date ideas: 22 of the best,” from the dating experts over at This article helps get ideas for date activities. But, how to plan a perfect first date for the type of person you’re taking on a date? You first need to determine your date’s personality type and then decide the best activities based on that type.

How do you know your date’s personality type?

There’s no simple answer to this question. Every person is unique in countless ways. However, there are some general traits that many people share that you can categorize into basic personality profiles. These profiles can generally determine what type of things someone may like based on their personality type.

One way to determine a person’s personality type is with the Myers Briggs (MBTI)® personality type assessment. According to a fascinating article by Lisa Petsinis over at The Myers Briggs personality assessment can determine what type of date activities your partner would prefer. It’s a very informative article. It can help you understand how a person’s personality type can be used to figure out what they would like to do on a date. But what about on a first date? It’s unlikely you will know what someone’s Myers-Briggs personality type is if you just met them. Or if they have even taken the Myers-Briggs assessment at all.

Below are a few ways you can get clues about your date’s personality.

Photo by koen_jacobs

While this is not exactly the Meyers Briggs assessment, you can generally break down people’s personalities into four types based on simple traits. For the sake of this article, these traits are physical, playful, intellectual, and shy.

Figuring out their type.

A Physical person will generally be athletic and enjoy things like:

  • Dancing
  • Sports
  • Working out

A Playful person will:

  • Usually, be extraverted
  • Probably like to dress flashy and enjoy lots of attention
  • Often will be very flirty and outgoing

An Intellectual person

Photo by micadew
  • Will ask a lot of questions
  • Will most likely have realistic goals in life

Lastly, a Shy person

Photo by Nguyen Vu Hung (vuhung)
  • Usually introverted and doesn’t talk a lot
  • They tend to dress very conservatively

So, what places would they like to go to?

It depends on what personality type you’re dating.
Here are a few helpful date ideas once you determine your date’s personality type.


Photo by chris_hau

This type will enjoy things like sports. Some great date ideas for this type would be:

  • Bowling
  • Playing pool
  • Hiking
  • Dancing
  • Exercise class


Photo by RodrigoFavera

This type loves attention, so going places with big crowds will appeal to them. Some great date ideas for this type could be:

  • Going out to a bar or club for drinks
  • Going to a party
  • Activity with a large group of your friends


This type is usually very low-key and prefers someplace quiet to have a meaningful conversation:

  • Picnic at a park
  • Quiet restaurant or coffee shop
  • museum


While a shy person may not like talking much, this doesn’t mean they don’t like your company. Activities that don’t require a lot of talking to enjoy are great for this type. Some great dates for this type could be going to:

  • Movies
  • Concerts
  • Amusement parks
  • A play or musical


There is no one “right” answer when figuring out how to plan a perfect first date. You need to take into account your date’s personality type, as well as your own. Different people will enjoy different types of dates, so it’s important to be thoughtful about what you choose. We hope that this article has given you some ideas for planning a great first date. What are you waiting for? Get out there and start wooing! Do you have any tips for planning the perfect first date? Let us know in the comments below.

Would you like to read more about personality types and dating? Check out this great article from Be sure to check out the great articles we mentioned above. (links in references below)
Also, please follow us on social media. Thanks for reading.


Hogan, Verity, “First date ideas: 22 of the best” Jan. 19, 2019 Article

Petsinis, Lisa. “Where To Go On A Date, Based On Your Partner’s Personality Type”, Feb. 21, 2019 Article

Categorized as Dating Tagged

By Delilah Sands

Delilah Sands is a dating and relationship advice columnist for Urban Courtier magazine. She has been writing about love and romance for years and has garnered a following of millions of readers. Delilah is an expert on all things relationships and loves helping people find happiness in their love lives.

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